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Find the Best Kids Bunk Beds for Toddlers

Bunk beds are a fantastic option for rooms with kids as they can be used to make space and create a fun focal area. This one comes in white, smoky gray or walnut. It can be divided into two twin beds that stand alone when your kids get older.

Choose the crisp white color for a classic or coastal bedroom, or choose the neutral gray or clay finishes to blend in with various colors and styles. Parents should be aware that assembly takes some time, but two people working together can speed things up.

1. Storkcraft Toddler Bunk Bed

If your child wants to share a bed, a bunk bed is an excellent option. Unlike standard frames, bunk beds specifically designed for toddlers are smaller in height and have important safety features to keep your little ones safe and sound. To help you choose the ideal bunk bed for your family, we spoke with Carlie Gasia who is a certified sleep coach at Sleepopolis for her professional opinion on what to look for. She suggested an extremely sturdy frame and a design which will evolve with your kids. We've compiled six of the best bunk beds for toddlers.

To get the most bunk beds for kids that are space-saving look no further than this elegant option from Storkcraft. Crafted from durable kiln-dried wood the stylish bunk bed comes in a variety of finishes to enhance the look of their bedroom. Pick a white finish to create a fresh and airy look or a gray-weathered hue for a farmhouse or cottage design, or a warm espresso wood stain to warm their rustic room.

This bunk bed has the lowest top bunk which is just 50 inches high which makes it easy for children to reach the top level. It comes with 14-inch guardrails to reduce the risk of falling and is GREENGUARD gold-certified to protect the environment. This bed is JPMA Certified for added peace of mind. It's been tested and certified by independent laboratories to meet the highest requirements for furniture for children.

The loft bed can accommodate three children in one space. The twin mattresses on the upper bunk can be swapped for a full-size mattress (sold separately), converting it instantly to triple bunk. For additional versatility this bed is available in a variety of brushed walnut, espresso and cappuccino finishes, which all pair nicely with most color palettes.

This bunk bed has a ladder that retracts and can be locked. It's ideal for kids who love to climb and explore. Additionally, this bed is GREENGUARD and JPMA certified so you can rest that it's safe for your toddler.

2. Pottery Barn Kids Belden Full-Over-Full Bunk Bed

If your children have outgrown their toddler bunk bed, they could be ready for full-over-full. This sturdy bunk bed from Pottery Barn Kids is GreenGuard Gold certified and comes with a variety of style details that allow it to be easily paired with your children's most loved furniture pieces. Additionally, it's available in several colors to match with any room's color scheme.

Bunk beds are an ideal solution for kids' rooms that aren't equipped with closets and allow siblings to share a bedroom without crowding it. With the extra space they give it is possible to furnish the room with storage-efficient dressers and other furniture pieces. Bunks also help save money on separate twin mattresses for each child, which can be expensive over the course of time.

Solid wooden bunk beds are a great investment for any bedroom for children because they'll last until the time they reach their teens, and maybe even into adulthood. A majority of the bunks in this collection are constructed from engineered or solid pine wood, and have finishes such as white, brushed gray and weathered navy, which work well with the design preferences of any child. Some models are available in a rustic finish that blends in with cottage, country or coastal designs.

While a standard bunk bed will come with guardrails that surround the top bunk, some models provide an additional layer of security by allowing a slide to be detached for children to play on. The slatted headboards and footboards of the bunk bed are constructed using knot-free New Zealand pine wood, and best kids bunk beds 14-inch guardrails surround the perimeter of the upper portion of the bed. The top bunk bed is accessible via a built-in stationary ladder. A trundle beneath the bottom bunk bed offers the perfect place to rest for guests.

A general rule of thumb is to use a bunk bed that has slides for children who are at least 6 years old. older, as younger children may struggle to climb the steep ladder or the stairs to the top level. You should also check the specifications of each bunk bed to find the maximum weight limit for both the top and bottom beds.

3. West Elm Bunk Bed

If you can't bring yourself to splurge on a full-over-full bunk bed This West Elm version offers all the space your kiddos need in a smaller space. Its custom-designed staircase has an open, wide opening that minimizes the risk of children crashing their heads while climbing up and down. Handholds that are angled are also included for added security. It is available in a variety of finishes that will match any room's decor from white to classic walnut.

If your children love hosting sleepovers, a bunk room can double as a fun playroom when you add a few additional features. In a bedroom for boys designed by Bailey McCarthy a pair modern bunk beds with twin trundles underneath the bed's bottom can accommodate three kids in one room. Cactus-print wallpaper and a playful chandelier with primary colors gives the room a whimsy that is circus-like and neutral linens keep it feeling sophisticated.

Bunk beds don't have to be restricted to rooms for children. A loft bed that has a desk can also serve as a bedroom or study area for teens. In this bunk bed space, the lofted bed comes with an individualized desk and plenty of shelves for storage. A Philippe Starck Ghost chair from Kartell gives the room a touch of midcentury flair, while a custom wall hanging featuring an image of a beetlecat by artist Katie Ridder adds a pop of color.

Kids who love to tuck into the bunk bed that has plenty of built-in storage. This model from West Elm includes open and closed compartments to hold everything from bedtime books to extra water as well as an organizer that can hold all their clothes. It's available in twin and full sizes which means you can meet your growing child's needs.

A loft bed that has a slide can make even the most reticent kids look forward to sleepovers. This model from Zoomie Kids gives your tots the excitement of sliding down the slide with their peers and siblings while a slanted climb wall with foot and handholds on both sides makes it simple to climb the top bunk.

Choose a wooden platform if you want a bed that can grow with your kids. This kind of frame offers sturdy support for mattress beds without the necessity of boxes springs and is available in many different dimensions and styles to accommodate your kiddos' changing tastes.

4. Ana White Bunk Bed

If you're a woodworker with intermediate skills, you can construct a bunk bed for your children for a lot less than you'd pay to the bed at the store. This free Ana White bunk bed plan includes drawings, instructions and an inventory of tools and materials. The beds are modular so they can be taken apart if you need to move them or change the configuration later. The classic design can be easily customized by staining or painting.

If your children are more interested in playing with their pals than sleeping, you can transform the basic bunk bed for kids into an impressive fort-like structure. This Birds and Soap bunk bed is a great idea for both kids and adults. It can be customized to fit the style of your child with curtains and other décor. Bunk beds like this can make sharing a bedroom a lot more fun for your siblings or guests.

A bunk bed that can be used as a storage space and staircase is another option. Facebook user Daily Wood built this set of bunkbeds with wood, pine trim and Oriental Ginger stain. The staircase also has shelves for storage. The design is an excellent way to maximize space in a modern home without making compromises to safety or comfort.

Wood is more durable and stable than metal when it comes to bunk beds. It also looks appealing and can be stained in any color to match the bedroom. If you are looking for an authentic look, you can use natural wood and avoid staining altogether for a natural appearance that is easy to clean and maintain. Wood is also a great choice for bunks that are used by children because it is less likely to scratch or scratch than other surfaces.

A wooden bunk is an iconic piece of furniture that your kids will cherish for long time to be. It is a perfect solution for families with a small living space, or for anyone who needs additional sleeping space. If you pick a high-end set, it will last for generations and can be passed down to children who are ready to have their own bedroom.